@vatsy61 wrote:
Hi all,
I have started a new project that is based on time series forecasting in which I am trying to use this methods:
But, while working on it I found couple of errors:
- While writing the ARIMA code as follows and I found the following error:
y_hat_avg = test.copy()
fit1 = sm.tsa.statespace.SARIMAX(train1[‘Adj Close’], order=(2, 1, 4),seasonal_order=(0,1,1,7)).fit()
y_hat_avg[‘SARIMA’] = fit1.predict(start = “2018-04-03”, end = “2018-06-08”, dynamic=True)
plt.plot(train1[‘Adj Close’], label=‘Train’)
plt.plot(test[‘Adj Close’], label=‘Test’)
plt.plot(y_hat_avg[‘SARIMA’], label=‘SARIMA’)
KeyError: 'The
startargument could not be matched to a location related to the index of the data.'
Please have a look at this and let me know how to solve this error.
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