@new_analyst wrote:
I have been using SAS for more than last 1 year and want to add an open source language to my skillset. Based on my research till now, I have decided to go ahead with Python. The decision was mainly because I think Python is a far more versatile language and might give me benefit even outside of data science stints!
Having decided the language, I have not been able to find an open course which teaches Python for data science? I had a look at the course on Udacity:
But the focus of the course is on Data Wrangling, which is a small part of the data science regimen. I have also tried the Interactive programming language course on Coursera, but that does not deal with data science specifically.
Seeing the shortage of good resources, I am now confused whether I have made the right choice or not? If the choice is right, what is the best place to start my learning?
Thanks for your help in advance
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