@Blackberry wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying hard to be a data scientist and for last two years I am struggling a lot to complete all the background knowledge to be a data scientist. There are heaps of strategies in google to land you a data scientist role. I am still struggling and don’t feel confident enough to apply for a job. I started to dive to learn all data scientist stuff without having any sound Math/Statistics background e.g. Machine Learning e.g. Classification , regression (Decision tree ,Random Forest, Simple/Logistic regression) etc. During these learning I always stuck to background knowledge like Over fitting Vs Under fitting , bias vs un biased parameters , probability vs odd , data distribution i.e. Normal vs non normal , outliers finding and data transformation etc. Now I have jumped into Bayesian Statistics and the reason to jump into this Statistics is to cover Maximum Likelihood estimation, actually I was trying to understand KNN algorithms where some data were not normally distributed and author mentioned that for KNN normal distribution works fine which makes sense as well , but his data was transforming easily to normally distributed by using simple log transformation. Some data came into my hand where log normal was not working fine to transform it normally distributed , for that I came across to use Box Cox transformation , now at this stage while reading box cox transformation one method is being used MLE (Maximum Likelihood Transformation) , For covering maximum likelihood I jumped into Bayesian Statistic inference. Now at this stage rather just focusing Bayesian background in light of MLE ,I am determined to complete all the ins and outs of Bayesian Statistics and this is not first time I jumped from one space to another space. This is how I am diving in this world but once I am done with one then jump to another one , but to learn a whole thing I have to complete all the background series of learning this specific topic- I thought I should ask to seniors who can really give me some mentor ship regarding my learning curve , is it normal or I am wandering a lot here and there. In Short please share strategies and point me what I am doing correct and wrong ? When should I apply for the jo?
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