@knowpallav wrote:
I'm trying to scrape reviews from Amazon using the following code in R (using CSS selector gadget)
library(XML)Amazon Reviews
aurl <- "https://www.amazon.in/Apple-MMGF2HN-13-3-inch-Integrated-Graphics/product-reviews/B01FUK9TKG/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_paging_btm_2?showViewpoints=1&pageNumber="
amazon_reviews <- NULL
for (i in 1:10){
murl <- read_html(as.character(paste(aurl,i,"")))
rev <- murl %>%
html_nodes(".review-text") %>%
amazon_reviews <- c(amazon_reviews,rev)
write.table(amazon_reviews,"apple.txt")I'm running the loop to extract from page 1 to 10, but the output is coming as page 1 pasted 10 times and not reviews from page 1 to 10.
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