@Cyrine wrote:
I am trying to detect equipments which causes overcoming energy.
I have a list of equipments : freezer, tv, washing machine and a dryer.
For each machine I have recorded the activation time for every timestamp of one hour. For example :8h-9h 9h-10h 10h-11h 11h-12h freezer 100% 100% 100% 100% tv 30% 0% 0% 0% washing machine 0% 0% 100% 30% dryer 0% 0% 100% 90%
And also, I recorder the mean of activation time of each equipement during the day :
freezer 100% tv 8% washing machine 33% dryer 50%
For each timestamp i denoted if is there an overcomoing energy.
8h-9h 9h-10h 10h-11h 11h-12h n n n y(20%)
I am looking for an itelligent way ti determine which equipements causes the overcoming energy.
thank you
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